Farewell Party for Umar Raza 2021-08-17
Farewell Party for Dr. Araz Rajabi 2021-05-14
Farewell Party for Dr. Jong-Nam Kim 2021-04-30
Prof. Il-Kwon Oh appeared in "Bravo K-Scientist" on YTN science 2021-03-15
Prof. Il-Kwon Oh was selected as 'Researcher of the Year in Basic Science' by the Ministry of Science and ICT 2020-12-29
Workshop in Daecheon, 2020 Fall 2020-11-13
The artificial finger playing electronic piano and turning a page of a book 2020-11-05
Junghwan Oh (‘18 Doctor) was appointed as assistant professor of Mechanical Engineering in Wonkwang University 2020-09-15
Jae-Hwan Kim ('19 Doctor) was appointed as assistant professor of Department of Mechanical System Engineering in kumoh national institute of technology 2020-03-06
AMSM Conference in Sheraton Grand Incheon Hotel 2019-10-16
The motion of butterfly flapping was realized with artificial muscle based on Mxene 2019-08-22
Strawberry Party, 2019 Spring 2019-04-09